Categories: Gardening The Farm

Garden Update for June 9th

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We are starting to get a few tomatoes and zucchini in the garden. Unfortunately, the zucchini, cucumbers, and pumpkin plants are under attack by squash bugs. I’m using concentrated dish soap and water to suffocate the squash bugs and the baby bugs and eggs. It seems to be working well. I sprayed an adult squash bug and the soap and water killed it in about 30 seconds to 1 minute. Juvenile bugs just hatching died instantly. Before, I had tried spraying Neem oil and/or Sevin and nothing had worked. My efforts did not have any effect on the bugs. Now I have an easy and safe way to get rid of them and save my plants.

We left to visit family for a few days. While we were gone, a squirrel ate on our pepper plants. The pest ate the tops of the bell pepper plants. I boarded our dog with the vet while we were gone. So no dog to watch the garden. She is a very good garden guardian as she loves to eat the squirrels and rabbits. Our neighbors checked the garden while we were gone. We had enough rain; no watering was needed.

The flowers in the front yard are in bloom. Here are a few photos:

Cook, gardener, crafter, computer programmer, amateur cryptographer, former military officer. Welcome to my little corner of the internet where I discuss moving to a small farm when I retire and anything else that comes up.

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